Real women use technology — obviously. Since the most important thing in our bag is typically our smartphone, we decided to ask three local, lady professionals about their favorite, can’t-live-without-’em apps. Here’s what they had to say:

Nicole Kanner
“The app that I love the most right now is my Apple podcast app; I am constantly subscribing and listening to podcasts. I really nerd out when I’m working out in the morning and listen to other entrepreneurs talk about their successes and struggles on GirlBoss Radio. The podcast that I loved most recently was WBUR and The Boston Globe’s Last Seen about the art heist at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum; it was amazing!” —Nicole Kanner, owner of All Heart PR

Yuko Oda

“I made much of my latest animation using my iPhone and iMotion — an app perfect for stop motion animation and video. I love that it is so easy to set up and use!” —Yuko Oda, digital artist

Sandra Richter

“Mail, Calendar, Gusto, Quickbooks and Carta, and probably in that order. Of course, [I use] Soofa Talk so I can post to the community bulletin boards in my neighborhood. Spotify to keep tunes in my life at all times. Hopper to quickly buy flight tickets. Google Home to keep all my things automated. How many can we say?” —Sandra Richter, co-founder and CEO of Soofa