Photo courtesy of Tracy for Congress campaign
Tracy Lovvorn is hoping to challenge the unopposed, longtime incumbent Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., in the Nov. 6 general election
A newcomer to the state’s political field, Lovvorn has been a practicing and licensed physical therapist since 1997, in addition to having held multiple corporate operational management positions in health care. She is currently the CEO and founder of Evolution Physical Therapy, a private outpatient physical therapy clinic in Grafton, Massachusetts.
Lovvorn’s priorities include implementing congressional term limits, reforming health care to support mental health, resolving the opioid crisis, preserving social security and Medicare, supporting college affordability and workforce development, and investing in local infrastructure.

Which issues do you plan to prioritize as U.S. representative that directly impact women in your district
I feel that there is nothing more important than the health, safety, and prosperity of the towns and cities in Massachusetts District 2. My No. 1 priority is our future, health, and safety of our children, including supporting the growth of our girls in becoming strong, mentally and physically healthy, and self-reliant women.
As a nation, our kids are in trouble. Some are shooting each other with guns and others are shooting themselves up with heroin. This is not a time to point fingers and cast blame. This is a time to look internally and have serious, difficult discussions that lead to efficient and effective action that actually looks to help our kids.

What made you decide to transition from working in physical therapy and health care to running for office? How do you think that background informs your platform?
In 2009, I risked my career by standing up to a previous employer who was committing Medicare fraud and patient abuse. For five years I worked with the U.S. attorney general’s office in Philadelphia and the Office of Inspector General and Department of Health and Human Services in D.C. Ultimately the case was settled, and the Canadian company divested all of its U.S. interest.
My case set precedent for future similar cases. As result of my efforts in standing up for what is right, I have saved the U.S. taxpayer significant money, and hundreds of millions of dollars have been returned to the Medicare trust fund. I am no stranger to standing up for what is right and advocating for those who cannot stand up on their own.

What is the biggest challenge in running your campaign?
As someone who, politically, has only served on my town’s planning board, to go after a 22-year incumbent who has been so entrenched is the hardest part.
I don’t find the job daunting, but the campaigning and the fund-raising can be unequal, especially being a conservative in the state of Massachusetts.
However, I’m all about empowering people and giving them a better choice. It’s so easy to do your research and get information on who your candidates are, and if people want to do that, I’m out there meeting as many of them as possible.

What is your stance on immigration reform?
We are and always have been a nation of immigrants, and we have always been a nation of laws. Unfortunately, immigration has been a political football for decades. I believe that the majority of us want a fair and humane immigration policy based on enforcement of established laws and one that takes into account a finite amount of resources.
In order to help better manage the influx of people, in support of all involved, I believe that we must first and foremost focus on safety and security. This focus includes the health and safety of many migrants who die trying to cross our southern border each year.
I do support the current administration’s plan to end chain migration, end the visa lottery program, implement a better system to track visa overstays, and reform our current immigration laws in support of merit-based qualifications.

A lot of people say 2018 is the new Year of the Woman. What do you think?
When asked a similar question in 1993, Senator Barbara Mikulski from Maryland stated that, “Calling 1992 the Year of the Woman makes it sound like the Year of the Caribou or the Year of the Asparagus. We’re not a fad, a fancy, or a year.”
My response would be in the same vein as Senator Mikulski. I believe that we live in the greatest country that has ever been, and I believe that we are living in the most wonderful of times since the dawn of mankind. The opportunities afforded to every American are absolutely incredible. The 2018 elections are tremendously important. We need to elect the best people, who will work hard to best represent their individual districts and states in support of our Constitution and in support of our republic.